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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Stevens & Lowe’s Human Histology 4th.

Changes in medical education have resulted in curricula

that emphasize integration and application of relevant

knowledge. In this new edition of Human Histology,
we have endeavoured to highlight the histology that
is relevant to disease processes. While providing a
thorough traditional overview of histology, we have
also attempted to emphasize the structures and the
structure–function relationships that are germane to
disease pathogenesis. We have tried to highlight histological
structures that play key roles in disease pathogenesis
in order to help the health professional student
learn histology in the context of relevant clinical disease
processes. The non-verbose, high yield content, the
layout and the add-ons associated with this book are
designed to help students learn the histology that
informs histopathology and disease pathogenesis.
Our philosophy and principles remain as stated at length
in the preface to the second edition. We have tried to
keep the text and illustrations as user-friendly as possible
and have ruthlessly removed padding and verbosity.
When faced with a conflict between comprehensiveness
and comprehensibility we have chosen comprehensibility

every time.

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