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    Monday, January 2, 2017

    Browse's Introduction to the Investigation and Management of Surgical Disease

    A companion to Browse's Introduction to the Symptoms and Signs of Surgical Disease, the two together will provide the definitive resource in diagnosing and managing surgical disease; for all medical students in their undergrad clinical years, at early post-graduate level and planning for the MRCS exams. 
     Abstract: A companion to Browse's Introduction to the Symptoms and Signs of Surgical Disease, the two together will provide the definitive resource in diagnosing and managing surgical disease; for all medical students in their undergrad clinical years, at early post-graduate level and planning for the MRCS exams

    A companion to the award-winning Browse's Introduction to the Symptoms and Signs of Surgical Disease, this volume provides clear insight into how the pathological features and extent of disease dictate necessary diagnostic investigations and treatment. Like its established partner, it is a practical and concise textbook that is easy to read and use.

    The content is highly structured, with each chapter divided into three sections:
    • Relevant Pathology provides a brief description of the important pathological features of the disease relevant to the clinical diagnosis, investigations, and treatment
    • Investigations covers significant clinical findings, including radiological, biochemical, haematological, immunological, pathological, and genetic
    • Treatment reviews all aspects of management

    Other key features include more than 300 high-quality clinical photographs and 60 color line drawings to enhance textual explanations, as well as learning and review boxes to aid understanding and provide a tool for self-assessment. The book is essential reading for all medical students undertaking a surgical rotation or preparing for their surgical exams

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