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Monday, February 13, 2017

Current Reconstructive Surgery

Authored by top experts in the field, Current Reconstructive Surgery is a comprehensive resource that prepares you for the most challenging cases, while giving you a solid grasp of the fundamentals. The content of the book--logically organized by anatomic region--is supported by more than 1,300 state-of-the-art illustrations and photographs, nearly all of which are in full color.

Current Reconstructive Surgery begins with a valuable review of the principles of wound healing and wound repair. Its subsequent chapters meticulously examine pertinent reconstructive topics and present the latest surgical protocols for all injuries and disabilities, from burn reconstruction and skull base surgery to the management of hand infections. Current Reconstructive Surgery delivers insights derived from the authors' vast experience as practitioners, combined with data from new and landmark studies. This one-of-a-kind guide has everything you need to confidently perform both common and uncommon reconstructive procedures--so you can improve function and approximate a normal appearance for your patients.

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