Table of contents : Title page......Page 2
Table of Contents......Page 3Series page......Page 8
Copyright......Page 9
Preface......Page 11
Chapter 1: Regulation: Peptides of the Gastrointestinal Tract......Page 12
General Characteristics......Page 14
Discovery......Page 15
Chemistry......Page 17
Distribution and Release......Page 20
Actions and Interactions......Page 23
Candidate Hormones......Page 28
Neurocrines......Page 30
Paracrines......Page 32
Summary......Page 35
Chapter 2: Regulation: Nerves and Smooth Muscle......Page 37
Anatomy of the Autonomic Nervous System......Page 38
Neurohumoral Regulation of Gastrointestinal Function......Page 41
Anatomy of the Smooth Muscle Cell......Page 42
Smooth Muscle Contraction......Page 44
Summary......Page 48
Chapter 3: Swallowing......Page 50
Chewing......Page 51
Pharyngeal Phase......Page 52
Esophageal Peristalsis......Page 55
Receptive Relaxation of the Stomach......Page 60
Summary......Page 63
Chapter 4: Gastric Emptying......Page 65
Anatomic Considerations......Page 66
Contractions of the Orad Region of the Stomach......Page 67
Contractions of the Caudad Region of the Stomach......Page 68
Contractions of the Gastroduodenal Junction......Page 72
Contractions of the Proximal Duodenum......Page 73
Regulation of Gastric Emptying......Page 74
Summary......Page 79
Chapter 5: Motility of the Small Intestine......Page 81
Anatomic Considerations......Page 82
Types of Contractions......Page 83
Patterns of Contractions......Page 86
Vomiting......Page 90
Summary......Page 93
Chapter 6: Motility of the Large Intestine......Page 95
Anatomic Considerations......Page 96
Contractions of the Cecum and Ascending Colon......Page 98
Contractions of the Descending and Sigmoid Colon......Page 100
Motility of the Rectum and Anal Canal......Page 101
Control of Motility......Page 103
Summary......Page 106
Chapter 7: Salivary Secretion......Page 108
Functions of Saliva......Page 109
Anatomy and Innervation of the Salivary Glands......Page 110
Composition of Saliva......Page 114
Regulation of Salivary Secretion......Page 119
Summary......Page 122
Chapter 8: Gastric Secretion......Page 124
Functional Anatomy......Page 126
Secretion of Acid......Page 130
Origin of the Electrical Potential Difference......Page 132
Electrolytes of Gastric Juice......Page 133
Stimulants of Acid Secretion......Page 135
Stimulation of Acid Secretion......Page 138
Inhibition of Acid Secretion......Page 143
Pepsin......Page 145
Mucus......Page 147
Intrinsic Factor......Page 148
Growth of the Mucosa......Page 149
Summary......Page 155
Chapter 9: Pancreatic Secretion......Page 157
Functional Anatomy......Page 158
Mechanisms of Fluid and Electrolyte Secretion......Page 159
Mechanisms of Enzyme Secretion......Page 162
Regulation of Secretion......Page 164
Cellular Basis for Potentiation......Page 170
Response to a Meal......Page 171
Summary......Page 174
Chapter 10: Bile Secretion and Gallbladder Function......Page 176
Overview of the Biliary System......Page 178
Constituents of Bile......Page 179
Bile Secretion......Page 183
Gallbladder Function......Page 189
Expulsion of Bile......Page 192
Summary......Page 196
Chapter 11: Digestion and Absorption of Nutrients......Page 198
Structural-Functional Associations......Page 200
Digestion......Page 201
Absorption......Page 203
Adaptation of Digestive and Absorptive Processes......Page 205
Carbohydrate Assimilation......Page 206
Protein Assimilation......Page 212
Lipid Assimilation......Page 220
Vitamins......Page 229
Summary......Page 232
Chapter 12: Fluid and Electrolyte Absorption......Page 235
Bidirectional Fluid Flux......Page 237
Ionic Content of Luminal Fluid......Page 239
Transport Routes and Processes......Page 240
Mechanism for Water Absorption and Secretion......Page 244
Intestinal Secretion......Page 246
Calcium Absorption......Page 249
Iron Absorption......Page 251
Summary......Page 254
Chapter 13: Regulation of Food Intake......Page 256
Appetite Control......Page 259
The Nervous System......Page 260
The Endocrine System......Page 262
The Gastrointestinal System......Page 265
Summary......Page 269
Appendix......Page 270
Index......Page 283
Instructions for online access......Page 310
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