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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Scott-Conner & Dawson: Essential Operative Techniques and Anatomy

Looking for a quick reference for review before performing an operation or taking the boards? You won’t find a better resource than Scott-Conner & Dawson: Essential Operative Techniques and Anatomy, 4e and its accompanying online component. Expanded to 134 chapters and enhanced by new color photos and new contributing authors, this edition is an up-to-date, easy-to-use reference to both the surgical technique and the relevant anatomy of nearly all the procedures you will face.
--Prepare for practice with expert coverage of the “Essential Common” and “Essential Uncommon” categories of the SCORE™ curriculum (print) and “Complex” procedures (web version).
--Quickly review key facts and procedures before performing an operation or taking the boards, with three book-opening tables: “Steps in Procedure,” “Hallmark Anatomic Complications,” and “List of Structures.”
--NEW chapters on cutaneous infections, I&D, excision, STSG, ligation, stripping, saphenous vein, loop ileostomy/closure, operations for small bowel obstruction (including laparoscopic), and pediatric umbilical hernia repair. 
--Increase your understanding of key procedures with significantly expanded chapters on thoracoscopic surgery of the esophagus and laparoscopic colon resection.

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