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Thursday, March 10, 2016

7 Ways Batman could beat Superman in the early morning of Justice

As incredible as it may seem, after a long time to wait for three years, we finally get a chance to see The Dark Knight and the man facing off on steel screen silver in the next Batman wait long with the V Superman: The dawning of justice. It's a showdown of the year and that will truly amaze even the most cursory superhero fans. So all that's left for us to do our bit is related to who would come out on the top end of the month.

However, there is one thing that people always want to point out when discussing a fight between Batman and Superman: Batman is just average. Sure, he's well-trained, well-financed, and really spooky, but at the end of the day that none of this means that your opponent as much as heating and modern vision. How on earth possible Batman Superman can overcome? As it turns out, he has a number of methods up his sleeve. We poured through the source material and come up with ways seven of Batman really can beat Superman time of Batman the V Superman: The dawning of Justice finally hits theaters on March 25, saying:, let's start off with the strategy against Superman, who always arrives mind before any other ...

green Kryptonite
Traditional methods that only you know about. With K on Superman (or any Kryptonian), Green will lead to pain, disease and ultimately death if exposure remains constant. Of Batman used many forms of green Kryptonite over the years in the joke to fight Superman, ranging from ring Kryptonite in the movie Batman: silence to the arrow Kryptonite shot by Oliver Queen in The Dark Knight Returns, and even a form of gum Kryptonite chew one thing Batman: endgame. We already know that green space rock will appear at some point in Batman v Superman: The morning of the fair, so we rely on Bruce Wayne use to gain the upper hand over their rivals.
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