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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Why J.J. Abrams "Star Wars a few lens flares Lot of Star Trek

Head into the habit, just like the rest of us. However, when they do it, they get to call it his "style". This means that you can often tell from the work of a director due to the use of certain camera angles or other tricks that they've found they like, and then used again and again. For director J.J. Abrams special tricks that broke the lens. He used it a lot. However, you may have noticed that the Star Wars: The Awakening forces broke glass lower than the previous work of the director. It turns out he was told that he needed to cool it by someone who thought he heard: his wife.

J.J. Abrams appeared on Stephen Colbert with host brought up when the conversation the two had regarding his preference Abrams' for the outbreak of the lens. The trick of the camera has become a joke among movie fans. Use them constantly. It turns out that we only noticed, though. Abrams wife, "Katie McGrath, she noticed it and at one point, decided he was too and needed to stop.
There is a scene in Star Trek Into Darkness is where you literally could not see what happened. And it's very important, emotional scene. ... And Katie just looked at me and said, "OK, I think this is it. At this point, you have to stop doing that."

J.J. Wife Abrams "she Katie McGrath, there is executive director of a public that has experienced political pre-aide to Ted Kennedy was a senator, and I think we all debt of gratitude to her. If there was a scene in Star Wars: the force awake where we could not see what was really going on, no need to say the riots, may have been the still night opening. It got so bad that in Star Trek Into Darkness The blast glass, just does not make no sense. Try and count them all.

This is not the first president's wife influenced his filmmaking. Abrams gave her a part of the people who persuaded him to direct Star Wars: wake up in the first place. Check out the relevant clip from the Colbert interview below.

Hopefully, J.J. Mr. Abrams has routinely dismissed completely broke the glass and will not grow back. While he will not be directing any more of the new Star Wars films as the executive producer, he stills has a significant influence, and may add a mirror if he wants to fire.

You can check out everything we know about Star Wars 8 here, or you can play some of the following ... trivia
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